Wednesday 24 August 2011


Chapter 1
The computer defined:
The computer is an electronic device which can easily convert the data into information.
Discussion about computer we can say that:
·        It is a machine.
·        It is electronic.
·        It is automatic
·        It can manipulate data
·        It has memory
Ø  Some computers are use for individual base and some are use for organizational base.
Computer for individual use:
These computers are manipulate by single user, means only single user can use these computer at a time.
Desktop computer:
 It is the most common type of computer, designed to sit on floor or desk, perform variety of task, it also refer as personal computer. It can be found anywhere, but it is not portable, means it cannot be carry on everywhere.
This type of computer are use for some special task, this computer can manupilate by scientist and engineer, it is more power full than desktop computer.
Notebook computer:
These are the small portable single user computer, have weight between 3 to 8 pounds. It is as powerfull as desktop computer, as it can easily fit inside briefcase, that’s why it is also called laptop computer.
Tablet PCs:
It is very latest development in portable computer in which input is through pen, which is called stylus, it has same function as notebook computer has. Tablet PC run special type of program and can be connected through network.
Handheld PCs:
It is very small, portable even fit on hand. PDA is the most common example of handheld PCs. It can use for special application like tacking notes, displaying telephones numbers and address.
Smart Phones:
It has very advanced features; it is hybrid of cell phones and PDA. It can perform web surfing and email access.
Computer for organization:
These are multi user computer, it can manipulate by more than one person.
Network Server:
 It is a centralized computer, all other computer are connected through network server, provides access to network resources, powerful than desktop computer.
Mainframes Computer:
It is use in large organizations such as insurance companies and bank, where many people use same data. Handles thousands of user at time, user can access through terminal.
It is midrange computer, have power between mainframe and desktop computer, handle hundreds of users, used in smaller organization, users access through terminals.
Very powerful computer in modern age. It is very fast; handle large and complex calculation, process trillions of operations per second.

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